During the months of July and August we will ship twice a week.

TSO/ETSO Approvals

What is an TSO/ETSO approval

The TSO (US Technical Standard Order) and its European equivalent ETSO (European Technical Standard Order) authorization, represents one way (and not the only way) to have parts and appliances approved. This is an optional step in a design process which ensures that a part or appliance complies with a minimum performance standard.

Is the Avee Aviation Microphone TSO/ETSO approved ?

The complete headset solution with the Avee Aviation Microphone is not TSO or ETSO approved.
The reason for this is simple: as a manufacturer of the microphone part of the solution only, we do not have full control of the production line of the headsets we are adapting to (Bose & Sony) and hence: we can not obtain a TSO/ETSO approval.

The Avee microphone add-on itself is designed in compliance with TSO standards , while the Bose & Sony headsets most likely are designed according to different standards than the TSO.

This fact does however not mean that the quality of headset from Bose & Sony is higher – or lower – than headsets manufactured according to the TSO standards.

Their design standard is simply not TSO.

It is a fact that the quantity of high quality headset products coming out from Bose & Sony are far superior to the quantity of aviation headsets being produced.
Making low quality products would not be a good business model for sure, and the quality of Bose & Sony headsets is simply excellent

Our competitors TSO approval

We do know that some of our competitors state their products are TSO compliant – or even have a TSO approval. 

This might be correct for part of the product , but will unfortunately not apply for the complete headset solution with a Bose or Sony (non TSO) headset.

The complete system as ONE UNIT has to be approved  – from cable to ear cushions. This is not possible for mixed systems like the Avee system.  

Who require the TSO approval
It is important to know that the request for a TSO approved headset is an airline request, and not a FAA request.
Headsets used by the pilots in aircrafts do not need a TSO or ETSO approval.

We estimate we sell around 90% of our products to commercial pilots, but we do see that the TSO requirement from airlines in the US is far more common than in airlines in the rest of the world.

Read more here

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